Men’s Ministry

The North Tampa Men’s Ministry is designed to help men grow in their relationship with God and with each other. We believe that as men, we are called to be leaders, protectors, and providers for our families and communities. We also recognize that we cannot do this alone, and we need the support and encouragement of other men who share our faith and values.

Upcoming Events

Our Purpose

Spiritual Growth: We believe that spiritual growth is essential for every man, and we provide opportunities for men to deepen their relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and worship.

Service: We believe that serving others is an important part of our Christian walk. Our ministry provides opportunities for men to serve our church, community, and beyond.

Fellowship: We believe that men need other men to encourage and support them. Our ministry provides a safe and welcoming environment for men to build relationships with each other.

Accountability: We believe that accountability is crucial for men who want to grow in their faith and character. Our ministry provides opportunities for men to connect with other men who will challenge and encourage them to live a godly life.

If you’re interested in joining our Men’s Ministry or learning more about upcoming events, please contact us at